Addressing Gender –Based Barriers to Young Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh.


Addressing Gender –Based Barriers to Young Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh.

Target Population: Young women, age limit are 18-25 who completed previous S2S or EYE program.

Direct participants:

  • Category 1: 320 youth women who have received vocational and life skills training but currently are not in employment will be supported through advanced/ up skilling trainings.
  • Category 2: 400 youth women who have received vocational and life skills training are currently in hazardous work under-employment or experiencing unfavorable working conditions  will be supported through leadership development and capacity building on gender equality and worker’s rights.

Indirect Participants:

  • 1500 parents, husbands
  • 1250 community and local leaders
  • 200 employers and financial institutions
  • 50 representatives of local government.

Working Area: Mohammadpur, Mirpur, Agargaon, Moghbazar.

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Addressing Gender –Based Barriers to Young Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh.

Goal: The project will provide post-training support to equip young women with the capabilities, agency and power to achieve their aspirations and economic goals, through the positive transformation of unequal power relations and discriminatory gender and social norms.

Outcomes of the project:

  • Employment Support
  • Individual Agency
  • Enabling Environment

Donor: Save the Children in Bangladesh

Key Actions of the project:

  • Provide advanced technical trainings to young women in partnership with private sector.
  • Develop a network of employers that can offer job opportunities to program participants.
  • Provide mentorship support to young women.
  • Organize Job fair.
  • Selection of young women for business/entrepreneurship.
  • Support them to prepare business plan.
  • Identify local business actors and arrange meeting with them.
  • Help them collect loan/send money through micro financial institutions/banks.
  • Help them to get seed money from project.
  • Organize entrepreneurship fair.
  • Form savings group by young women, to support enterprise development needs

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01648394576 (bKash Personal)

01648394576 (Nagad Merchant)

Account Name: Nari Maitree-DMCC
Account Number: 05390240000106
Bank Name: Rupali Bank ltd
Branch Name: Khilgaon Branch, Dhaka.
Routing Number: 185273978