The project aims to contribute to promoting equitable quality education to children, especially for the vulnerable groups in the disadvantaged communities in Bangladesh. The objective of the project is to increase the continuation of child’s education with desired learning competency in early childhood, pre-primary and primary grades in Thakurgaon, Mymensingh and Dhaka districts. This project aims: i) To enhance early learning opportunities for young children and foster their school readiness skills ii) To improve the proficiency level of learners in basic literacy and numeracy at primary grade. Despite some progress in access to education, Bangladesh is facing challenges in quality primary education. There is a huge gap in access, equity, fair fee/cost and quality of education in Bangladesh. Also, awareness on disaster risk reduction & environment needs to enhance among the students for reducing the risk and adaptive capacity. Till today, the education law has not been enacted as the rights of children. Most significantly, the situation became more challenging due to the recent Covid19 pandemic impact that resulting huge learning loss. Thus, the poor quality of learning outcomes in education will be addressed by this project. The program will directly cover the students of primary grades in the rural context of Bhaluka (Mymensingh) and Ranisankail (Thakurgaon), and the urban slums areas of Dhaka city where children are at risk of achieving quality learning outcomes. Moreover, the children of pre-primary grade and early childhood care & education will be covered under this project in the same locations. Children’s life cycles of 0 to 6 years and 7 to 12 years of life span are closely covered under this project. The primary target of this project are the children of primary schools, Pre-primary classes, and early childhood care and education (ECCE) centers. Also, a group of youth will be enrolled under this project as community resource teachers from the 100 school adjacent communities. In Bhaluka and Ranisankail Pre-primary and primary level students will get learning improvement support through 80 (40 +40) community learning centers following the community-based education model. In Dhaka, the primary level students will get support through 20 community learning centers. Additionally, 10 community-led ECCE centers (5 Ranisankail and 5 Bhaluka) will be introduced and operated to support the development of young children. The success of this initiative will be shared with govt. and other stakeholders to promote and continue such support. This project can immensely help in achieving the quality education outcome and overcome the learning gap of children, especially in the deprived areas and vulnerable groups where the project is targeted to be worked. The project will contribute to improving Bangla reading and numerical skill/ competency and to enhancing their understanding and knowledge of disaster and climate change issues. The project will inspire the community people including youth group and teachers to create a learning-friendly community and school. Community-based leadership will be developed to promote sustainable change of the children through transformative education and knowledge on disaster risk reduction & climate change.
01648394576 (bKash Personal)
01648394576 (Nagad Merchant)
Account Name: Nari Maitree-DMCC
Account Number: 05390240000106
Bank Name: Rupali Bank ltd
Branch Name: Khilgaon Branch, Dhaka.
Routing Number: 185273978