STI and HIV Prevention Service

STI and HIV Prevention Service Package for the Brothel Based Sex Workers and their Client” under HPNSP, Service Package-1
International Aids Day.

STI and HIV Prevention Service

STI and HIV Prevention Service Package for the Brothel Based Sex Workers and their Client” under HPNSP, Service Package-1


Bangladesh is a low HIV-prevalence country with less than 0.1 percent of the population estimated to be HIV-positive. The country faces a concentrated epidemic, and it’s very low HIV-prevalence rate is partly due to prevention efforts, focusing on men who have sex with men, female sex workers, and intravenous drug users. For prevention of STI and HIV Nari Maitree implements STI and HIV Prevention Service Package for the Brothel Based Sex Workers and their Client (SP-01) project at three brothels Mymensing, Faridpur Rothkhola and Faridpur C&B Ghat with PIACT Bangladesh JV. Funded by AIDS/STD Programme (ASP) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW).The project aims to list up the clients of the sex worker (as per as practicable) and cover at least 80% of the listed clients.



Name of the funding donor: National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP), Director General Health Services (DGHS) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW).


Project location:

  • Ganginarpar, Mymensing
  • Rothkhola, Faridpur
  • C&B Ghat Faridpur


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STI and HIV Prevention Service

STI and HIV Prevention Service Package for the Brothel Based Sex Workers and their Client” under HPNSP, Service Package-1


  • To provide knowledge on HIV, STI prevention and negotiation skills for using condom;
  • To motivate and convince the sex workers and their clients for STI diagnosis and taking
    treatment including general health;
  • To establish linkage for availing others government health services; and
  • To have HIV testing and Counseling and appropriate referral for the PLHIV.


  • To prevent HIV and STIs among brothel based sex workers in Bangladesh.
  • Mapping for identification of FSWs and preparing a mother list along with their regular clients;
  • Holding BCC session on HIV/AIDS & STI and demonstration of correct use of condom;
  • Encourage and accompany sex workers for HTC services;
  • At least 80% of the listed sex workers need to be reached;
  • Provide empowerment activities to the target population such as basic literacy training;
  • Distribution of condom and IEC materials within the brothel;
  • Holding counseling session at DIC on consistent condom use, ensuring condom use by partners, STI treatment, HTC, drug abuse etc;
  • Sexual health check-up sessions at DIC;
  • Provide STI services including diagnosis and treatment;
  • Treatment for general ailment and referral services;
  • Observed World Aids day.

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01648394576 (bKash Personal)

01648394576 (Nagad Merchant)

Account Name: Nari Maitree-DMCC
Account Number: 05390240000106
Bank Name: Rupali Bank ltd
Branch Name: Khilgaon Branch, Dhaka.
Routing Number: 185273978