R O S C - P V T

Pre-Vocational Training program for School Dropouts under Reaching Out-of-School Children Phase -II project

R O S C - P V T

Pre-Vocational Training program for School Dropouts under Reaching Out-of-School Children Phase -II project


Nari Maitree participates in the World Bank supported initiative of the Reaching Out-of-School Children Phase -II project with the Directorate of Primary Education being the Lead Agency and Save the Children in Bangladesh (SCiB) as the technical service provider to provide pre-vocational training on selected trades to the children who completed primary education under ROSC phase-I and could not pursue education at secondary level. Youth of 15-22 years age group would be eligible for the course.

The projects would be implemented in Jaldhaka upazila under Nilphamari and Hatibandha and Patgram upazilas of Lalmonirhat district. A total of 900 learners, 300 in each upazila would be enrolled for 3-month course. Initially the project will operate till 31st of the December 2017.



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R O S C - P V T

Pre-Vocational Training program for School Dropouts under Reaching Out-of-School Children Phase -II project


Support students who passed minimum grade-V and are not in school for participation in basic life skills education and pre-vocational trade training for livelihood.


The objective of the Reaching Out- of -School Children (ROSC) Project for Bangladesh is to ensure quality primary education for all. To achieve the goal ROSC-phase 2 project is implementing Pre-Vocational Skills Training Program for the children 15+ years and who have completed primary education from the Shishu Kallayan Trust (SKT) of ROSC phase-1 to ensure their employment opportunities and better livelihood.


  • Survey and learner selection
  • Trade selection
  • Learner Registration
  • Arrange training
  • Training Evaluation
  • Certificate distribution
  • Counseling and
  • Job placement


The courses offered under the project are as follows;

  • Tailoring and dress making
  • TV servicing
  • Motorcycle Servicing
  • Electric House Wiring
  • Beauty care
  • Automotive Mechanics
  • Refrigerator and Air-conditioning
  • Solar Home System Technician
  • Industrial Sewing Machine Operator
  • Block Batik and Screen Printing
  • Petrol and Diesel Engine Mechanics and more trades as per need.

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01648394576 (bKash Personal)

01648394576 (Nagad Merchant)

Account Name: Nari Maitree-DMCC
Account Number: 05390240000106
Bank Name: Rupali Bank ltd
Branch Name: Khilgaon Branch, Dhaka.
Routing Number: 185273978