Balika Bodhu

Balika bodhu: Addressing denial of sexual and reproductive health and rights to married adolescent girls in a rural area of Bangladesh through empowerment and social norm change
Activities planning meeting

Balika Bodhu

Balika bodhu: Addressing denial of sexual and reproductive health and rights to married adolescent girls in a rural area of Bangladesh through empowerment and social norm change

Founded in 1983, Nari Maitree, which translates to Women’s Solidarity, is a women lead  non-governmental and non-profit organization operating on a national level in Bangladesh. The organization is dedicated to providing essential services to disadvantaged and vulnerable women, adolescents, and children. Nari Maitree’s primary goal is to empower these groups, enabling them to establish their fundamental rights and improve their livelihoods, both in rural and urban settings.

The SAFE  and SHOKHI project takes a rights-based approach to raise awareness about women’s and girls’ rights through a combination of messages on prevention, service provision and proposed legal and policy reforms. Prevention messages focus on bodily integrity and decision-making in intimate life. Issues of choice and consent are highlighted as essential elements in enabling women’s and girls’ self-determination over their lives, and in particular, to realization of their rights to health and to freedom from violence. SAFE and SHOKHI Project  employs a multi- sectoral intervention to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and to combat violence against women and girls (VAWG). The strategy is to create stronger and more effective demand for services for addressing SRHR issues, and for ending violence against women by raising awareness of rights and remedies, and by creating an enabling environment in the community.

Nari Maitree’s experience in intervention implementation, including programs with similar scope to Balika Badhu, is substantiated through a diverse range of documents and collaborations with various reputable organizations.

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Balika Bodhu

Balika bodhu: Addressing denial of sexual and reproductive health and rights to married adolescent girls in a rural area of Bangladesh through empowerment and social norm change


The primary objective of Nari Maitree’s engagement in the Balika Bodhu project is to effectively implement the Balika Bodhu intervention, aiming to empower Married Adolescent Girls (MAGs) aged 15-19 years, enhance their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and create an enabling environment within families and communities for them to demand, access, and practice positive SRHR behaviors. This engagement aligns with icddr,b’s vision of addressing gaps in SRHR programming and literature through a gender-transformative approach.

Outcome: Empowered Married Adolescent Girls (MAGs) exercising their SRHR and driving positive change in their communities.

Working Area : 10 Union & 33 Village under Rajbari Dristict 

Total staff:  21

  • Create Enabling Environment   at Community entrees meeting with Union level different stakeholders.
  • Married Adolescent Girls (MAGs-15—19years) Empowerment
  • Spouses of Married Adolescent Girls (MAGs)
  • Couples (MAGs and Their husband)
  • Elderly, influential community members
  • Training of selected 25 MAGs leaders on campaigning
  • Girl-led community social norms activities.
  • Vocational Training of Selected MAG Leaders: Session.
  • Linking up these girls with Government Vocational Training Programs.

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01648394576 (Nagad Merchant)

Account Name: Nari Maitree-DMCC
Account Number: 05390240000106
Bank Name: Rupali Bank ltd
Branch Name: Khilgaon Branch, Dhaka.
Routing Number: 185273978